Tracking Wheels
Rotation Sensor​
Creates a new tracking wheel with a Rotation sensor.
the port your Rotation sensor is plugged into
assumed inches, this is the diameter of your wheel
the distance to the center of your robot, this is used for tracking
the gear ratio of your tracking wheel. if it's not geared, this should be 1.0
- Prototype
- Example
tracking_wheel(int port, double wheel_diameter, double distance_to_center = 0.0, double ratio = 1.0);
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
ADI Encoder​
Creates a new tracking wheel with an ADI Encoder.
{'A', 'B'}
make the encoder negative if reversed
assumed inches, this is the diameter of your wheel
the distance to the center of your robot, this is used for tracking
the gear ratio of your tracking wheel. if it's not geared, this should be 1.0
- Prototype
- Example
tracking_wheel(std::vector<int> ports, double wheel_diameter, double distance_to_center = 0.0, double ratio = 1.0);
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker({-'A', -'B'}, 2.75, 4.0);
ADI Encoder 3-wire Expander​
Creates a new tracking wheel with an ADI Encoder plugged into a 3-wire expander.
the smart port your ADI Expander is plugged into
{'A', 'B'}
make the encoder negative if reversed
assumed inches, this is the diameter of your wheel
the distance to the center of your robot, this is used for tracking
the gear ratio of your tracking wheel. if it's not geared, this should be 1.0
- Prototype
- Example
tracking_wheel(int smart_port, std::vector<int> ports, double wheel_diameter, double distance_to_center = 0.0, double ratio = 1.0);
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, {'C', 'D'}, 2.75, 4.0);
Returns how far the wheel has traveled in inches.
- Prototype
- Example
double get();
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.get()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME
Returns the raw sensor value.
- Prototype
- Example
double get_raw();
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.get_raw()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME
Returns the distance to the center of the robot.
- Prototype
- Example
double distance_to_center_get();
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.distance_to_center_get()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME
Returns if the distance to center is flipped or not. False is not, true is.
- Prototype
- Example
double distance_to_center_flip_get();
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.distance_to_center_flip_get()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME
Returns the constant for how many ticks is 1 inch.
- Prototype
- Example
double ticks_per_inch();
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.ticks_per_inch()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME
Returns the amount of ticks per revolution of your sensor.
- Prototype
- Example
double ticks_per_rev_get();
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.ticks_per_rev_get()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME
Returns the gear ratio for your tracking wheel.
- Prototype
- Example
double ratio_get();
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.ratio_get()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME
Returns the diameter of your wheel.
- Prototype
- Example
double wheel_diameter_get();
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.wheel_diameter_get()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME
Returns the diameter of your wheel.
- Prototype
- Example
void reset();
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void initialize() {
Sets the distance to the center of the robot.
distance to center of your robot in inches
- Prototype
- Example
void distance_to_center_set(double input);
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
right_tracker.distance_to_center_set(2.0); // Update center distance
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.distance_to_center_get()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME
Sets the distance to the center to be flipped to negative or not.
flips distance to center to negative. false leaves it alone, true flips it
- Prototype
- Example
void distance_to_center_flip_set(bool input);
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
right_tracker.distance_to_center_flip_set(true); // Make center distance negative
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.wheel_diameter_get()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME
Sets the amount of ticks per revolution of your sensor.
This is useful for custom encoders.
ticks per revolution
- Prototype
- Example
void ticks_per_rev_set(double input);
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
right_tracker.ticks_per_rev_set(36000); // Set ticks per rev to 36000
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.ticks_per_rev_get()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME
Sets the gear ratio for your tracking wheel.
gear ratio of tracking wheel
- Prototype
- Example
void ratio_set(double input);
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
right_tracker.ratio_set(2.0); // Set ratio to 2:1
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.ratio_get()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME
Sets the diameter of your wheel.
wheel diameter
- Prototype
- Example
void wheel_diameter_set(double input);
ez::tracking_wheel right_tracker(1, 2.75, 4.0);
void opcontrol() {
right_tracker.wheel_diameter_set(3.25); // Update wheel diameter
while (true) {
chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print(to_string(right_tracker.wheel_diameter_get()), 1);
pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME