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Version: 3.1.0

PID Tuner

Setter Functions


Enables PID Tuner.

void pid_tuner_enable();


Disables PID Tuner.

void pid_tuner_disable();


Toggles PID Tuner. If it's enabled, it will disable. If it's disabled, it will enable.

void pid_tuner_toggle();


Iterates through PID Tuner to allow gui navigation and constant changing.

void pid_tuner_iterate();


Enables or disables the PID Tuner from printing to the brain screen. To use the PID Tuner, this or pid_tuner_print_terminal_set() must be set to true.

input true enables printing to brain, false disables.

void pid_tuner_print_brain_set(bool input);


Enables or disables the PID Tuner from printing to the terminal. To use the PID Tuner, this or pid_tuner_print_brain_set() must be set to true.

input true enables printing to terminal, false disables.

void pid_tuner_print_terminal_set(bool input);


Sets the amount that P will change when increasing or decreasing it.

p new value to increment and decrement by.

void pid_tuner_increment_p_set(double p);


Sets the amount that I will change when increasing or decreasing it.

i new value to increment and decrement by.

void pid_tuner_increment_i_set(double i);


Sets the amount that D will change when increasing or decreasing it.

d new value to increment and decrement by.

void pid_tuner_increment_d_set(double d);


Sets the amount that Start I will change when increasing or decreasing it.

start_i new value to increment and decrement by.

void pid_tuner_increment_start_i_set(double start_i);

Getter Functions


Returns the state of the PID Tuner. True is enabled, false is disabled.

bool pid_tuner_enabled();


Returns the state of printing the PID Tuner to terminal. True is enabled, false is disabled.

bool pid_tuner_print_terminal_enabled();


Returns the state of printing the PID Tuner to the brain. True is enabled, false is disabled.

bool pid_tuner_print_brain_enabled();


Returns the amount that P will change when increasing or decreasing it.

double pid_tuner_increment_p_set();


Gets the amount that I will change when increasing or decreasing it.

double pid_tuner_increment_i_set();


Gets the amount that D will change when increasing or decreasing it.

double pid_tuner_increment_d_set();


Gets the amount that Start I will change when increasing or decreasing it.

double pid_tuner_increment_start_i_set();