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Version: 3.2.2

Blank Pages

What is it?​

EZ-Template's autonomous selector takes over the emulated lcd display on the brain screen, making it very difficult to use the screen for debugging.

Blank pages are an easy solution for this, allowing you to add your own pages to the autonomous selector carousel that are blank.


Hello World!​

We have to make a Hello World! screen appear, right?

To create a blank page, you just have to check what page you're on. This will simultaneously check what page you're on and create the page if it doesn't exist.

if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {


To print to the page, you can use ez::screen_print(). This is wrapper that makes printing to the screen much ezier.

if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print("Hello World!", 1); // Print "Hello World!" on the second line

Putting this in opcontrol() will run it! Now if you turn the robot on and go one page to the left, you'll see this new page!

void opcontrol() {
// This is preference to what you like to drive on

while (true) {
// Gives you some extras to make EZ-Template ezier

chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_standard(ez::SPLIT); // Standard split arcade
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_standard(ez::SINGLE); // Standard single arcade
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_flipped(ez::SPLIT); // Flipped split arcade
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_flipped(ez::SINGLE); // Flipped single arcade

// . . .
// Put more user control code here!
// . . .

// Print "Hello World!" on the second line
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print("Hello World!", 1);

pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME

Multiple Pages​

Having multiple pages is just adding more to the if/else block! In this example, we create a second page that will display Hello Mars!.

if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print("Hello World!", 1); // Print "Hello World!" on the second line
else if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(1)) {
ez::screen_print("Hello Mars!", 2); // Print "Hello World!" on the third line

Putting this in opcontrol() will run it! Now if you turn the robot on and go one page to the left, you'll see Hello Mars!. If you go another page to the left, you'll see Hello World!.

void opcontrol() {
// This is preference to what you like to drive on

while (true) {
// Gives you some extras to make EZ-Template ezier

chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_standard(ez::SPLIT); // Standard split arcade
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_standard(ez::SINGLE); // Standard single arcade
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_flipped(ez::SPLIT); // Flipped split arcade
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_flipped(ez::SINGLE); // Flipped single arcade

// . . .
// Put more user control code here!
// . . .

// Print "Hello World!" on the second line
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print("Hello World!", 1);
// Print "Hello World!" on the third line
else if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(1)) {
ez::screen_print("Hello Mars!", 2);

pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME


ez::screen_print expects a string, so you can't just give it a double or a float and have it work.

You can use util::to_string_with_precision to convert variables to strings. This code will print test_variable to the blank page.

void opcontrol() {
// This is preference to what you like to drive on

double test_variable = 0.0;

while (true) {
// Gives you some extras to make EZ-Template ezier

chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_standard(ez::SPLIT); // Standard split arcade
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_standard(ez::SINGLE); // Standard single arcade
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_flipped(ez::SPLIT); // Flipped split arcade
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_flipped(ez::SINGLE); // Flipped single arcade

// . . .
// Put more user control code here!
// . . .

test_variable += 0.01;

// Print test_variable to the second line
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print("test_variable: " + util::to_string_with_precision(test_variable), 1);

pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME

Multiple Lines​

There are two options for printing on multiple lines.

The first option is to just print to multiple lines.

// Print "Hello World!" on the second line and "Hello Mars!" on the third line
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print("Hello World!", 1);
ez::screen_print("Hello Mars!", 2);

The second option is to print ones but use \n in the string. This will do the same thing as the code above.

// Print "Hello World!" on the second line and "Hello Mars!" on the third line
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print("Hello World!\nHello Mars!", 1);

Screen Task​

You might want to view data on the screen during user control and during autonomous. For this, we'll need to create a task (code that always runs in the background) that displays to the screen.

First we need to make the task. This is the structure for making tasks, anything that goes in the while loop will always run in the background.

void ez_screen_task() {
while (true) {

// Code goes here

pros::Task ezScreenTask(ez_screen_task);

We can fill this in with code that prints to the brain screen and code that constantly updates test_variable. This code can be placed anywhere outside of a function in main.cpp, it's above opcontrol() in the example project. With this you'll be able to see test_variable update if you're in user control or autonomous!

// Make test_variable a global variable 
double test_variable = 0.0;

void ez_screen_task() {
while (true) {

// Print test_variable to the second line
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print("test_variable: " + util::to_string_with_precision(test_variable), 1);

// Constantly update test_variable
test_variable += 0.01;

pros::Task ezScreenTask(ez_screen_task);

Removing Pages​

Blank pages for debugging feel like something that should exist for practice but should go away once you plug into a tournament. We can take the task created above and only allow it to run when a competition is not connected, and we can remove all blank pages when a competition is connected.

We can detect if a competition switch/tournament is plugged into the controller with pros::competition::is_connected(). This returns true if connected, and false if not.

if (!pros::competition::is_connected()) {
// Do stuff if not connected

else {
// Do stuff if connected

To remove all blank pages, we can use the following line.


Combining all of that, this following code is the same as the Screen Task example above but will only run when the controller isn't connected to a competition.

// Make test_variable a global variable 
double test_variable = 0.0;

void ez_screen_task() {
while (true) {
// Only run this when not connected to a competition switch
if (!pros::competition::is_connected()) {

// Print test_variable to the second line
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
ez::screen_print("test_variable: " + util::to_string_with_precision(test_variable), 1);

// Constantly update test_variable
test_variable += 0.01;

// Remove all blank pages when connected to a comp switch
else {
if (ez::as::page_blank_amount() > 0)

pros::Task ezScreenTask(ez_screen_task);

Printing XYT​

We only want to print our position when odometry is enabled and when the PID Tuner is disabled. This can be done by wrapping this around our blank page.

if (chassis.odom_enabled() && !chassis.pid_tuner_enabled()) {

Adding that to the screen task with the test_variable stuff removed looks like this.

void ez_screen_task() {
while (true) {
// Only run this when not connected to a competition switch
if (!pros::competition::is_connected()) {
// Blank page for odom debugging
if (chassis.odom_enabled() && !chassis.pid_tuner_enabled()) {
// If we're on the first blank page...
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
// Do stuff on page

// Remove all blank pages when connected to a comp switch
else {
if (ez::as::page_blank_amount() > 0)

pros::Task ezScreenTask(ez_screen_task);

We can get our X, Y and Theta values with the following functions:


We can use this line of code to take our XYT values and print them with 1 function call.

ez::screen_print("x: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_x_get()) +
"\ny: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_y_get()) +
"\na: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_theta_get()),
1); // Don't override the top Page line

Adding this into the new screen task makes this our final code.

void ez_screen_task() {
while (true) {
// Only run this when not connected to a competition switch
if (!pros::competition::is_connected()) {
// Blank page for odom debugging
if (chassis.odom_enabled() && !chassis.pid_tuner_enabled()) {
// If we're on the first blank page...
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
// Display X, Y, and Theta
ez::screen_print("x: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_x_get()) +
"\ny: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_y_get()) +
"\na: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_theta_get()),
1); // Don't override the top Page line

// Remove all blank pages when connected to a comp switch
else {
if (ez::as::page_blank_amount() > 0)

pros::Task ezScreenTask(ez_screen_task);

Printing Tracking Wheels​

We can get our tracking wheel value and the distance to center with the following functions.


In EZ-Template, the tracking wheels are pointers to your tracking wheels. We'll have to replace the . with -> to account for this. These are the functions we'll be using.





Because they are pointers, we only want to display them if they exist. We can check if they exist by checking if they are not equal to nullptr.

if (chassis.odom_tracker_left != nullptr) {

Using util::to_string_with_precision() we can print these values only if the tracker exists.

if (chassis.odom_tracker_left != nullptr) {
ez::screen_print("l tracker: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_tracker_left->get()) +
" width: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_tracker_left->distance_to_center_get()),

Adding that into the screen task looks super messy and ugly, but this will work.

void ez_screen_task() {
while (true) {
// Only run this when not connected to a competition switch
if (!pros::competition::is_connected()) {
// Blank page for odom debugging
if (chassis.odom_enabled() && !chassis.pid_tuner_enabled()) {
// If we're on the first blank page...
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
// Display X, Y, and Theta
ez::screen_print("x: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_x_get()) +
"\ny: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_y_get()) +
"\na: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_theta_get()),
1); // Don't override the top Page line

if (chassis.odom_tracker_left != nullptr) {
ez::screen_print("l tracker: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_tracker_left->get()) +
" width: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_tracker_left->distance_to_center_get()),
if (chassis.odom_tracker_right != nullptr) {
ez::screen_print("r tracker: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_tracker_right->get()) +
" width: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_tracker_right->distance_to_center_get()),
if (chassis.odom_tracker_back != nullptr) {
ez::screen_print("b tracker: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_tracker_back->get()) +
" width: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_tracker_back->distance_to_center_get()),
if (chassis.odom_tracker_front != nullptr) {
ez::screen_print("f tracker: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_tracker_front->get()) +
" width: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_tracker_front->distance_to_center_get()),

// Remove all blank pages when connected to a comp switch
else {
if (ez::as::page_blank_amount() > 0)

pros::Task ezScreenTask(ez_screen_task);

Generally, if you're copy/pasting code, there is something that you can do to reference one chunk of code. Instead of copy/pasting the code for printing each tracker, we can make a function to do all of this for us.

I like to work backwards when coding. The function we are making needs to:

  • print the sensor value
  • print the distance to sensor
  • print "l", "r", "b", or "f"
  • print on different lines

The first two in that list can be grabbed through the pointer, so we'll need a function with three parameters:

  • pointer to the tracking wheel
  • string for the name
  • integer for the line to print on
void screen_print_tracker(ez::tracking_wheel *tracker, std::string name, int line) {

If the tracking wheel doesn't exist, we want to print nothing to that line.

void screen_print_tracker(ez::tracking_wheel *tracker, std::string name, int line) {
std::string tracker_value = "", tracker_width = "";
// Check if the tracker exists
if (tracker != nullptr) {
// Here we can update tracker_value and tracker_width if the tracking wheel exists
ez::screen_print(tracker_value + tracker_width, line); // Print final tracker text

Now we can update tracker_value and tracker_width if the tracking wheel exists.

void screen_print_tracker(ez::tracking_wheel *tracker, std::string name, int line) {
std::string tracker_value = "", tracker_width = "";
// Check if the tracker exists
if (tracker != nullptr) {
tracker_value = name + " tracker: " + util::to_string_with_precision(tracker->get()); // Make text for the tracker value
tracker_width = " width: " + util::to_string_with_precision(tracker->distance_to_center_get()); // Make text for the distance to center
ez::screen_print(tracker_value + tracker_width, line); // Print final tracker text

Now in the screen task we'll be calling this instead.

screen_print_tracker(chassis.odom_tracker_left, "l", 4);
screen_print_tracker(chassis.odom_tracker_right, "r", 5);
screen_print_tracker(chassis.odom_tracker_back, "b", 6);
screen_print_tracker(chassis.odom_tracker_front, "f", 7);

That makes this the final code!

* Simplifies printing tracker values to the brain screen
void screen_print_tracker(ez::tracking_wheel *tracker, std::string name, int line) {
std::string tracker_value = "", tracker_width = "";
// Check if the tracker exists
if (tracker != nullptr) {
tracker_value = name + " tracker: " + util::to_string_with_precision(tracker->get()); // Make text for the tracker value
tracker_width = " width: " + util::to_string_with_precision(tracker->distance_to_center_get()); // Make text for the distance to center
ez::screen_print(tracker_value + tracker_width, line); // Print final tracker text

* Ez screen task
* Adding new pages here will let you view them during user control or autonomous
* and will help you debug problems you're having
void ez_screen_task() {
while (true) {
// Only run this when not connected to a competition switch
if (!pros::competition::is_connected()) {
// Blank page for odom debugging
if (chassis.odom_enabled() && !chassis.pid_tuner_enabled()) {
// If we're on the first blank page...
if (ez::as::page_blank_is_on(0)) {
// Display X, Y, and Theta
ez::screen_print("x: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_x_get()) +
"\ny: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_y_get()) +
"\na: " + util::to_string_with_precision(chassis.odom_theta_get()),
1); // Don't override the top Page line

// Display all trackers that are being used
screen_print_tracker(chassis.odom_tracker_left, "l", 4);
screen_print_tracker(chassis.odom_tracker_right, "r", 5);
screen_print_tracker(chassis.odom_tracker_back, "b", 6);
screen_print_tracker(chassis.odom_tracker_front, "f", 7);

// Remove all blank pages when connected to a comp switch
else {
if (ez::as::page_blank_amount() > 0)

pros::Task ezScreenTask(ez_screen_task);