Drive Constructors
Integrated Encoders​
This is the standard setup that uses built in motor encoders.
input {1, -2...}
. make ports negative if reversed
input {-3, 4...}
. make ports negative if reversed
port the IMU is plugged into
diameter of your drive wheels
motor cartridge RPM
external gear ratio, wheel gear / motor gear
- Prototype
- Example 1
- Example 2
ez::Drive chassis(
// These are your drive motors, the first motor is used for sensing!
{-5, -6, -7, -8}, // Left Chassis Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
{11, 15, 16, 17}, // Right Chassis Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
21, // IMU Port
4.125, // Wheel Diameter (Remember, 4" wheels without screw holes are actually 4.125!)
420.0); // Wheel RPM = cartridge * (motor gear / wheel gear)
ez::Drive chassis(
// These are your drive motors, the first motor is used for sensing!
{1, 2, 3}, // Left Chassis Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
{-4, -5, -6}, // Right Chassis Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
7, // IMU Port
4.125, // Wheel Diameter (Remember, 4" wheels without screw holes are actually 4.125!)
600, // Cartridge RPM
// External Gear Ratio (MUST BE DECIMAL) This is WHEEL GEAR / MOTOR GEAR
// eg. if your drive is 84:36 where the 36t is powered, your RATIO would be 84/36 which is 2.333
// eg. if your drive is 36:60 where the 60t is powered, your RATIO would be 36/60 which is 0.6
Drive(std::vector<int> left_motor_ports, std::vector<int> right_motor_ports, int imu_port,
double wheel_diameter, double ticks, double ratio = 1.0);
ADI Encoders in Brain​
This function is deprecated! You can learn how to add different tracking wheel configurations here.
This only support two parallel trackers that are equidistant from the center of the robot.
input {1, -2...}
. make ports negative if reversed
input {-3, 4...}
. make ports negative if reversed
port the IMU is plugged into
diameter of your sensored wheel
ticks per revolution of your encoder
external gear ratio, wheel gear / sensor gear
input {1, 2}
. make ports negative if reversed
input {3, 4}
. make ports negative if reversed
- Prototype
- Example
ez::Drive chassis(
// These are your drive motors, the first motor is used for sensing!
{1, 2, 3}, // Left Chassis Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
{-4, -5, -6}, // Right Chassis Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
7, // IMU Port
4.125, // Wheel Diameter (Remember, 4" wheels without screw holes are actually 4.125!)
360, // Ticks Per Rotation of your encoder. This is 360 for the red encoders
// External Gear Ratio (MUST BE DECIMAL) This is WHEEL GEAR / SENSOR GEAR
// eg. if your drive is 84:36 where the 36t is sensored, your RATIO would be 84/36 which is 2.333
// eg. if your drive is 36:60 where the 60t is sensored, your RATIO would be 36/60 which is 0.6
{1, 2}, // Left Tracking Wheel Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
{-3, -4}); // Right Tracking Wheel Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
Drive(std::vector<int> left_motor_ports, std::vector<int> right_motor_ports, int imu_port,
double wheel_diameter, double ticks, double ratio, std::vector<int> left_tracker_ports,
std::vector<int> right_tracker_ports);
ADI Encoders in Expander​
This function is deprecated! You can learn how to add different tracking wheel configurations here.
This only support two parallel trackers that are equidistant from the center of the robot.
input {1, -2...}
. make ports negative if reversed
input {-3, 4...}
. make ports negative if reversed
port the IMU is plugged into
diameter of your sensored wheel
ticks per revolution of your encoder
external gear ratio, wheel gear / sensor gear
input {1, 2}
. make ports negative if reversed
input {3, 4}
. make ports negative if reversed
port the expander is plugged into
- Prototype
- Example
ez::Drive chassis(
// These are your drive motors, the first motor is used for sensing!
{1, 2, 3}, // Left Chassis Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
{-4, -5, -6}, // Right Chassis Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
7, // IMU Port
4.125, // Wheel Diameter (Remember, 4" wheels without screw holes are actually 4.125!)
360, // Ticks Per Rotation of your encoder. This is 360 for the red encoders
// External Gear Ratio (MUST BE DECIMAL) This is WHEEL GEAR / SENSOR GEAR
// eg. if your drive is 84:36 where the 36t is sensored, your RATIO would be 84/36 which is 2.333
// eg. if your drive is 36:60 where the 60t is sensored, your RATIO would be 36/60 which is 0.6
{1, 2}, // Left Tracking Wheel Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
{-3, -4}, // Right Tracking Wheel Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
9); // 3 Wire Port Expander Smart Port
Drive(std::vector<int> left_motor_ports, std::vector<int> right_motor_ports, int imu_port,
double wheel_diameter, double ticks, double ratio, std::vector<int> left_tracker_ports,
std::vector<int> right_tracker_ports, int expander_smart_port);
Rotation Sensor​
This function is deprecated! You can learn how to add different tracking wheel configurations here.
This only support two parallel trackers that are equidistant from the center of the robot.
input {1, -2...}
. make ports negative if reversed
input {-3, 4...}
. make ports negative if reversed
port the IMU is plugged into
diameter of your sensored wheel
external gear ratio, wheel gear / sensor gear
make ports negative if reversed
make ports negative if reversed
- Prototype
- Example
ez::Drive chassis(
// These are your drive motors, the first motor is used for sensing!
{1, 2, 3}, // Left Chassis Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
{-4, -5, -6}, // Right Chassis Ports (negative port will reverse it!)
7, // IMU Port
4.125, // Wheel Diameter (Remember, 4" wheels without screw holes are actually 4.125!)
// External Gear Ratio (MUST BE DECIMAL) This is WHEEL GEAR / SENSOR GEAR
// eg. if your drive is 84:36 where the 36t is sensored, your RATIO would be 84/36 which is 2.333
// eg. if your drive is 36:60 where the 60t is sensored, your RATIO would be 36/60 which is 0.6
8, // Left Rotation Port (negative port will reverse it!)
-9); // Right Rotation Port (negative port will reverse it!)
Drive(std::vector<int> left_motor_ports, std::vector<int> right_motor_ports, int imu_port,
double wheel_diameter, double ratio, int left_rotation_port, int right_rotation_port);