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Version: 3.1.0


EZ-Template Slew Wrappers


Sets constants for slew during drive forward motions. This sets forward and backward constants. Robot will start at min_speed and will be at the maximum set speed once distance is traveled.

distance is in an okapi distance unit.
min_speed is 0 to 127.

void slew_drive_constants_set(okapi::QLength distance, int min_speed);


Sets constants for slew during drive forward motions. Robot will start at min_speed and will be at the maximum set speed once distance is traveled.

distance is in an okapi distance unit.
min_speed is 0 to 127.

void slew_drive_constants_forward_set(okapi::QLength distance, int min_speed);


Sets constants for slew during drive forward motions. Robot will start at min_speed and will be at the maximum set speed once distance is traveled.

distance is in an okapi distance unit.
min_speed is 0 to 127.

void slew_drive_constants_backward_set(okapi::QLength distance, int min_speed);


Sets constants for slew during turns. Robot will start at min_speed and will be at the maximum set speed once distance is traveled.

distance is in an okapi angle unit.
min_speed is 0 to 127.

void slew_turn_constants_set(okapi::QAngle distance, int min_speed);


Sets constants for slew during swing turns. This sets forward and backwards constants. Robot will start at min_speed and will be at the maximum set speed once distance is traveled.

distance is in an okapi length unit.
min_speed is 0 to 127.

void slew_swing_constants_set(okapi::QLength distance, int min_speed);


Sets constants for slew during swing turns. This sets forward and backwards constants. Robot will start at min_speed and will be at the maximum set speed once distance is traveled.

distance is in an okapi angle unit.
min_speed is 0 to 127.

void slew_swing_constants_set(okapi::QAngle distance, int min_speed);


Sets constants for slew during forward swing turns. Robot will start at min_speed and will be at the maximum set speed once distance is traveled.

distance is in an okapi length unit.
min_speed is 0 to 127.

void slew_swing_constants_forward_set(okapi::QLength distance, int min_speed);


Sets constants for slew during forward swing turns. Robot will start at min_speed and will be at the maximum set speed once distance is traveled.

distance is in an okapi angle unit.
min_speed is 0 to 127.

void slew_swing_constants_forward_set(okapi::QAngle distance, int min_speed);


Sets constants for slew during backward swing turns. Robot will start at min_speed and will be at the maximum set speed once distance is traveled.

distance is in an okapi length unit.
min_speed is 0 to 127.

void slew_swing_constants_backward_set(okapi::QLength distance, int min_speed);


Sets constants for slew during backward swing turns. Robot will start at min_speed and will be at the maximum set speed once distance is traveled.

distance is in an okapi angle unit.
min_speed is 0 to 127.

void slew_swing_constants_backward_set(okapi::QAngle distance, int min_speed);

Slew Class


Creates a slew object with constants. Robot will start at min_speed and will be at the maximum set speed once distance is traveled.

distance distance to travel until maximum speed is reached.
minimum_speed starting speed.

slew(double distance, int minimum_speed);


Sets slew constants.

distance distance to travel until maximum speed is reached.
minimum_speed starting speed.

void constants_set(double distance, int minimum_speed);


Setup for slew. Keeps track of where the starting sensor value is and what the maximum target speed is.

enabled true if you want slew to run, false if you don't.
maximum_speed the target speed for the robot to reach.
target the distance to reach before max speed is hit.
current the current sensor value.

void initialize(bool enabled, double maximum_speed, double target, double current);


Iterates slew calculation and returns what the current max speed should be.

current the current sensor value.

double iterate(double current);


Returns what the current max speed should be.

double output();


Returns if slew is currently active or not.

double output();


Sets the max speed slew can be.

speed maximum speed the output can be

void speed_max_set(double speed);


Returns the max speed slew can be.

double speed_max_get();


  • Sets the max speed the slew can be
  • \param speed
  • maximum speed */ void speed_max_set(double speed);


  • Returns the max speed the slew can be */ double speed_max_get();