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Version: 3.1.0

Intake Control


As of v3.1.0, example projects come with include/subsystems.hpp.  If you do not have this, create this file in include/.  Now open include/main.h, add #include "subsytems.hpp".  You're all caught up and can follow along below!  

Creating the Motor

We want to create a motor and have it accessible by main.cpp and autons.cpp.  To do this we can create the motor in include/subsystems.hpp with the code below.  If we have an intake that has multiple motors, we can create one MotorGroup and then treat it like a single motor in code.  

#pragma once

#include "api.h"

inline pros::Motor intake(10);  // Make this number negative if you want to reverse the motor

// Your motors, sensors, etc. should go here.  Below are examples

// inline pros::Motor intake(1);
// inline pros::adi::DigitalIn limit_switch('A');

Button Control

To move a motor we type motor name.move(a number between -127 and 127);.  So to make the intake spin at full speed forward, we would type intake.move(127);.

EZ-Template has a controller object already made for you that you can access with master. You can read controller inputs with master.get_digital(DIGITAL_button).  With an if/else statement, we can have the intake go full speed forward when L1 is pressed, and go full speed backward when L2 is pressed.  When neither button is pressed the intake will stop moving.  

if (master.get_digital(DIGITAL_L1)) {
else if (master.get_digital(DIGITAL_L2)) {
else {

Adding this into the default opcontrol() function looks like this.

void opcontrol() {
// This is preference to what you like to drive on
pros::motor_brake_mode_e_t driver_preference_brake = MOTOR_BRAKE_COAST;


while (true) {
// PID Tuner
// After you find values that you're happy with, you'll have to set them in auton.cpp
if (!pros::competition::is_connected()) {
// Enable / Disable PID Tuner
// When enabled:
// * use A and Y to increment / decrement the constants
// * use the arrow keys to navigate the constants
if (master.get_digital_new_press(DIGITAL_X))

// Trigger the selected autonomous routine
if (master.get_digital(DIGITAL_B) && master.get_digital(DIGITAL_DOWN)) {

chassis.pid_tuner_iterate(); // Allow PID Tuner to iterate

chassis.opcontrol_tank(); // Tank control
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_standard(ez::SPLIT); // Standard split arcade
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_standard(ez::SINGLE); // Standard single arcade
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_flipped(ez::SPLIT); // Flipped split arcade
// chassis.opcontrol_arcade_flipped(ez::SINGLE); // Flipped single arcade

// . . .
// Put more user control code here!
// . . .

if (master.get_digital(DIGITAL_L1)) {
    else if (master.get_digital(DIGITAL_L2)) {
    else {

pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // This is used for timer calculations! Keep this ez::util::DELAY_TIME

Using it in Autonomous

Now that the motor is created in subsystems.hpp we can access it in our autonomous routines.  It's used the same, where we'll set intake equal to something throughout our run.   In the example below, the robot will start to intake after driving 6" and will stop once it's driven 24".  The intake will not spin again until it starts to come back and will outtake until it's back where it started.  

void intake_autonomous() {
chassis.pid_drive_set(24_in, DRIVE_SPEED, true);

chassis.pid_turn_set(45_deg, TURN_SPEED);

chassis.pid_turn_set(-45_deg, TURN_SPEED);

chassis.pid_turn_set(0_deg, TURN_SPEED);

chassis.pid_drive_set(-24_in, DRIVE_SPEED, true);

More Tutorials

The PROS team has made a tutorial for programming a VEX clawbot.  You can find that here.