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Version: 2.x



Checks if the port is in the pto_list.

check_if_pto a PROS motor that is in the drive

bool pto_check(pros::Motor check_if_pto);


Adds motors to the pto_list. You cannot add the first index because it's used for autonomous.

pto_list a vector of motors to remove from the drive

void pto_add(std::vector<pros::Motor> pto_list);


Removes motors from the pto_list.

pto_list a vector of motors to add back to the drive

void pto_remove(std::vector<pros::Motor> pto_list);


Runs pto_add if toggle is true, and pto_remove if toggle is false.

pto_list a vector of motors to add / remove to the drive toggle boolean to add / remove motors to drive

void pto_toggle(std::vector<pros::Motor> pto_list, bool toggle);